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10 ways to improve your website's SEO ranking

Author image Kelly Mirabella
Kelly Mirabella
July 15, 2022
Content Marketing

Search engines discover and index websites through web crawlers, programs that read and analyze web pages. SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of improving the ranking of a website on search engines. The higher the ranking, the more likely people are to find your website on the major search engines, so naturally, your website will have more traffic.

The algorithms used by search engines to rank websites take many factors into account, including the relevancy of the website's content, the popularity of the website, and the number of other websites that link to it. While there are many ways to optimize your website for SEO ranking on the various search engines, today, we will focus on 10 of them. Plus, you will also learn about some SEO tools that will help you optimize your website for search.

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly to Optimize the website for search.

Google's search algorithms are constantly evolving, and one of the latest changes is a focus on mobile-friendly websites. This means that if your website isn't optimized for mobile devices, it's likely that you're missing out on potential customers.

With people spending more time browsing the internet on their mobile devices than on a desktop computer, it is more important than ever that your website shows mobile friendliness. It just makes sense to optimize your site's pages for website traffic that comes from phones and tablets. Luckily, you can do a few simple things to make sure your site is mobile-friendly and improve your search rankings.

To start, take a look at your website from a mobile device. Is the layout easy to navigate? Can visitors find what they're looking for quickly? If not, you may need to make some adjustments to your design. In addition, pay attention to the loading time of your individual pages.

Visitors will likely click away before seeing your content increasing your bounce rate if it takes too long for a page to load. There are a number of ways to speed up your website, so be sure to do some research and choose the best option for your site.

Mobile devices

Consider readability on mobile devices.

Another important aspect of the mobile-friendly design is making sure your content is easy to read on a smaller screen. This means using short paragraphs, large font sizes, and clear headings. Breaking up your content into smaller sections will also help make it more digestible for mobile users.

If you're unsure how mobile-friendly your website is, Google offers a free Mobile-Friendly Test  that will analyze your site and give you a report on what needs improvement.

You can also get ideas on how to make your site more mobile responsive by checking out other websites that are doing this well.

Use relevant and keyword-rich titles and descriptions to be found in the search engines.

Meta tags provide brief descriptions of your pages that appear in the search results. The meta description tag helps the search engines better understand your page content. Although meta tags aren't as important as they once were, they're still a part of SEO.

The titles and descriptions of your pages are some of the first things potential visitors will see when they find your site on a search engine. This makes them a critical part of SEO as they can help improve click-through rates (the number of people who click on a result after seeing it on a search engine).

Keyword research

To make sure your titles and descriptions are effective, they should be relevant to the page they're describing and use the target keyword for that page. In addition, keep them relatively short so that they don't get cut off in the search results.

If you're unsure what keywords to target, try using a keyword research tool like Google's Keyword Planner, the Google Ads dashboard, to get ideas.

Sprinkle keywords into your content

Be sure to create high-quality content, and include your target keywords throughout. Having quality content on your site gives you plenty of opportunities to include target keywords and related keywords. Producing content regularly is one of the best ways to rank higher on the search results page for the keywords you are trying to rank for.

Including keywords throughout your content is another important part of SEO. Not only do they help search engines crawlers understand what your page is about, but they also give readers an idea of what to expect.

When including keywords, be sure to use them in a way that sounds natural, and don't stuff them into your content. A good search engine marketing strategy is to include them in headlines, subheadings, and the body of your text.

Competitive keywords can be difficult to rank for, but long-tail keywords may be easier and more effective. So, if you're having trouble ranking for a particular keyword, it may be worth trying a long-tail keyword instead. Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific phrases that are less common than shorter, general keywords. Because they're more specific, they tend to be less competitive and may be easier to rank for.

Optimize your website's load time for better search engine optimization.

As we mentioned earlier, page loading time is a ranking factor for mobile friendliness. This is also a factor for desktop users, as no one wants to wait around for a slow website to load. Not only will this frustrate visitors, but it will also lead to a higher bounce rate (the percentage of people who leave a site after only viewing one page).

There are a number of ways to optimize your website's load time, such as reducing the size of your images and using a content delivery network (CDN). A CDN is a network of servers that deliver content to visitors based on their location. Using a CDN, you can ensure that your website's content is delivered quickly, no matter where a visitor is coming from.

If you're unsure how fast your website is loading, Google offers a free PageSpeed Insights tool  that will analyze your site and provide you with a report on what needs improvement.

Website Speed Test

Improve your website's internal linking

Internal linking is the process of linking to other pages on your website from within your content. This can help improve the user experience on your site as it allows visitors to navigate easily from one page to another. When adding internal links, be sure to use keywords as the anchor text (the text that's linked), as this can help improve the ranking of the page you're linking to.

Site links are a type of internal link that is automatically generated by Google and appears in the search results when someone enters a query for which your site is relevant. These links can help improve your website's click-through rate as they provide an easy way for visitors to navigate to the most relevant pages on your site.

To ensure your website is eligible for site links, Google recommends a few things:

- Use a consistent navigation structure throughout your site.

- Create a sitemap and submit it to Google.

- Ensure that your pages are well-linked together.

- Optimize your titles and descriptions.

If you're unsure if your website has these links, you can use Google's Search Console to check.

Publish high-quality content with the help of keyword research

One of the most important things you can do to improve your website's SEO ranking is to publish high-quality content. This means writing informative, well-written, and keyword-rich articles, blog posts, and web pages. Not only will this help your site rank higher in the search results, but it will also attract more visitors and keep them coming back for more.

To write high-quality content, start by doing keyword research to find the right keywords to target. Once you know which keywords to target, make sure to use them throughout your content, including in the title, headings, and body. In addition, try to use natural language and avoid keyword stuffing (which is when you stuff keywords into your content unnecessarily).

Another important thing to keep in mind is that your content should be original and unique. Google penalizes websites that publish duplicate content, so it's important to ensure your content is fresh and original. You can also use Plaigarisma's free plagiarism checker to check for plagiarized content.

Content plagiarism checker

Another way to improve the quality of your content is to ensure it is informative and well-written. This means using a clear and concise writing style and including all the relevant information that your visitors are looking for. In addition, your content should be free of grammar and spelling errors.

Finally, don't forget to promote your content. The more people that see and share your content, the better. You can promote your content through social media, email marketing, and other online channels. Promoting your content online will help drive more organic traffic and increase your SEO ranking, which will also help drive more search traffic.

Create a sitemap

A sitemap is an XML file that lists all the pages on your website and their title and description. This file helps search engines understand the structure of your site and find new pages. Creating a sitemap is a good way to improve your website's SEO as it can help Google and other search engines find new pages on your site.

To create a sitemap, you can use a tool like XML-Sitemaps. Once you've created your sitemap, be sure to submit it to Google through Search Console.

site map generator

Create backlinks from existing sites other than your own

Another SEO strategy to help improve your search results is to build backlinks from other sites. A backlink is a link from another website to yours. Having your website and your content on other website links helps improve your website's SEO ranking as it shows Google that your site is popular and relevant. In addition, backlinks can also help increase your website's click-through rate as they provide an easy way for visitors to navigate to your site.

There are many ways to build backlinks, but some of the most effective include guest posting on other websites, creating helpful resources, and writing testimonials for other website owners. Having other sites link to yours can also help improve your website's SEO, showing Google that your site is popular and relevant.

When working on a link-building campaign, ensure you do not pay for links, as this will likely result in a penalty from Google. In addition, avoid using link farms or directories as these will also likely result in a penalty. Instead, focus on building high-quality backlinks from other sites that are relevant and reputable.

Also, be sure to fix broken links or links that are pointing to pages that no longer exist. This can hurt your website's SEO, showing Google that your site is not well-maintained. You can use a tool like Screaming Frog to find any broken links on your website.

Link building tool

Monitor your SEO progress

To ensure your website is making progress in the search results, it's important to regularly monitor your SEO progress. There are a number of ways to do this, but one of the easiest is to use Google Analytics. With Google Analytics, you can track your website's traffic and see how your SEO efforts are paying off. You can also set up goals and conversion tracking to see how well your website is doing in generating leads or sales.

Another way to monitor your SEO progress is to use a tool like Moz's Open Site Explorer. With this tool, you can see how many backlinks your website has and the quality of those backlinks. This information can help you adjust your search engine optimization strategy and ensure you're on track to achieve your goals.

Use Google's SEO tools - From Google Search Console and beyond.

Google offers a number of tools that can help you improve your website's SEO. Google Search Console is one of the most useful as it provides detailed information about your website's search traffic, including the keywords you rank for and the pages that are getting the most clicks. This information can help you adjust your search engine optimization strategy to focus on the keywords that are most likely to result in clicks and conversions.

Google also offers a mobile-friendly test that allows you to see how well your website is optimized for phones and tablets. With more and more people using mobile to search the web, it's important to make sure your website is mobile-friendly. This test will give you a report on how well your website performs on mobile devices and offer suggestions on how to improve it.

Google Keyword Planner is another useful tool that can help you research keywords for your website. With Keyword Planner, you can see how often certain keywords are being searched for and find new keywords to target. This information can help you adjust your website's content to focus on the keywords that are most likely to result in clicks and conversions.

As mentioned before, your website speed is important to determine where your website will land in search engine results. Google PageSpeed Insights is a tool that lets you see how fast your website loads on both desktop and mobile devices. This information can help you make changes to your website to improve its speed and performance.

Using Google's tools and resources when learning to better optimize your website can help your site rank higher in the Google search results. And since Google is the world's largest and most used search engine, it's a good idea to focus your SEO efforts on improving your ranking in Google.

Stay up to date with SEO changes.

SEO is an ever-changing field, so it's important to stay up to date with the latest changes. One way to do this is to subscribe to an SEO newsletter or blog. This will help you keep up with the latest SEO news and changes so you can ensure your website is always optimized for the latest algorithms.

Another way to stay up to date with SEO changes is to attend an SEO conference or meetup. These events are a great way to network with other SEO professionals and learn about the latest industry changes.

A good search engine optimization strategy will not only help improve your search engine rankings, but it will also help search engines understand your content, bringing more relevant traffic to your web page.

Everything we discussed today will help you rank higher your own site in the organic search results. These tasks do not take very much investment, but it can take a lot of time to learn how to do your on-page optimization correctly. Plus, other elements include off-page SEO, understanding other ranking factors, and conversion rate optimization.

If you find yourself lost in the depths of search engine optimization, you may want to hire someone to do it for you. A professional knows the ins and outs of SEO to help optimize website for search ranking.

Stellar Media Marketing currently does not offer search engine optimization services however we would be happy to run a site SEO audit report to give you an idea of what needs to be done, and we can make recommendations on who can help you get there. Feel free to contact us for more details.

There are a number of things you can do to improve your website's SEO ranking. Following the tips and tricks in this article can help your website achieve better visibility on search engine results pages. And most SEO experts agree that the best way to improve your website's ranking in the search results is to produce high-quality, relevant content. So if you're not sure where to start, focus on creating helpful, informative content that addresses the needs of your target audience.